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OWLS: Is It Really That Difficult To Find Someone To Adore? – Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku

(Via MyAnimeList)

Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (ヲタクに恋は難しい)

(Anime 2018)

Created By Fujita

After two years with OWLS, I finally got the chance to put a love-themed prompt for the month of February!

In February, we will be exploring love and romance. The word selected is “adore” because it has two main connotations: to be loved and respected or to feel worshipped. We will analyze characters that give us a feeling of admiration and explain why we love those characters. We will also be exploring different forms of love (familial, friendship, and even self-love) and how those types of love influence our lives.

For the topic, “Adore,” I selected the anime series, Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku. It’s a perfect fit since most of my readers would label themselves as “otaku.” However, I personally don’t feel like I resonate with that term despite exhibiting similar traits like the characters in this series. In my post, I will focus on analyzing the two couples in this series and what makes them “adore” one another. After that, I’m going to provide what I personally connected to in regards to dating and relationships within this series.

Misconceptions in Wotakoi

In Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku, the main female protagonist, Narumi Momose, is a hardcore fujoshi which made it difficult for her to find a suitable partner. She dated “normal” guys who weren’t otaku types, and so she was forced to hide that part of herself. She lacked self-confidence, unlike Hirotaka Nifuji who is very open about his hobbies. I think this series misleads viewers into thinking that otaku people should only date their kind. However, I think the real underlying message in this series is that you shouldn’t have to hide who you are to others. If they want to be around you, they should naturally accept your weirdness regardless of what other people think.

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Also, I am not a fan of sticking to the same social group. I think if you just associate with one group of people you aren’t really expanding your horizons. It’s great to meet people who have similar interests as you but that shouldn’t be the only reason why you want to interact with them. Sometimes you can learn a lot about yourself from people who are different from you. Furthermore, if you are dating someone who has the exact same interests and habits like you, you are kind of dating yourself in a way, which can be really creepy if you think about it.

Beyond the otaku-ness…is a real person.

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However, beyond the otaku madness, I think this series does demonstrate some helpful hints as to what a good relationship looks like. In Episode 9, Hirotaka Nifuji and Narumi Momose go on an amusement park date and decide to avoid discussing otaku topics in order to get to know each other more beyond their hobbies. Hobbies and interests are good ways to start conversations, but it won’t be enough to keep a strong connection. There are other topics that are important to discuss when you are in a serious relationship such as family, friends, health, and any dealbreakers you have. And so, I thought it was great that the two tried to communicate about topics beyond their interests because they realize that they need to strengthen their bond.

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Another aspect of a good and healthy relationship is being able to respect and love one’s differences. A simple example of this concept is between Hanako Koyanagi and Tarō Kabakura. Koyanagi is a cosplayer and enjoys reading yaoi manga. As for Kabakura, he is a casual otaku who enjoys reading his shounen manga and collecting his moe figures. Although they have different interests, they respect each other hobbies and space, and at times, they try to get involved in each other interests even if they were reluctant to do so in the first place. Kabakura doesn’t like to cosplay nor does he like to read yaoi manga, but he tries it anyway because it makes Koyanagi happy. Like I said before, differences in personalities or interests are what make us who we are and it’s something that your partner should respect and appreciate about you. If they aren’t willing to compromise or be flexible about your character traits, then I suggest you reevaluate what you want in your relationship.

Being “Adored” is Difficult for Everyone

I think it’s difficult to get into a relationship regardless of whether or not you are an otaku. My reasoning is that everyone lacks self-confidence within themselves to some degree, especially when they encounter someone they like. Yet in order to get over this issue of low self-esteem, you must be willing to take a step forward and talk to your crush. Nothing can happen unless you take the initiative. For me, I like it when a person is honest about their feelings and intentions. It’s better to have both your feet either in or out the door as opposed to having one foot in and one foot out.

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Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this post regarding my view on love and relationships. I really like the romance genre in literature, anime, dramas, and movies as you can see from my blog. A good love story always excites me even if it ends in tragedy. I also like telling random stories about my failed love adventures because it always sparks a smile on someone’s face.

If you are interested in reading more blogs on this month’s OWLS topic, “Adore,” check out Rai and Naja. Also, Happy Valentine’s Day!

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16 thoughts on “OWLS: Is It Really That Difficult To Find Someone To Adore? – Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku Leave a comment

  1. Solid post from our chief I need to finish this series I might now for this month definitely. I liked how you highlighted how this series might mislead people to date people of only there kind, pointing out it’s like dating yourself LOL. So true I didn’t think from this perspective, oh you teach me so many things professor Lyn LOL

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This anime is one of the most adorable ones I’ve watched! I love how you said it’s important for your partner to love you for who you are. I have acquaintances who are dating and the girl doesn’t care for anime but the guy loves it so much and they respect that; they’re a very cute couple!

    Liked by 1 person

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