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Keiko’s Anime Blog Nominated Me For My Reasons Why (Part 2)

Here’s the second part of this chain post. This time I was nominated by Keiko from Keiko’s Anime Blog. Thank you for the nomination, Keiko. 

Here are the rules:

  • Mention the person who nominated you
  • List 13 reasons why you keep going/living
  • Nominate 10 or more people to give their reasons why.
  • Use the picture that I created in your post.

Since I have the five nominations per tag/award rule, I am just going to list three reasons at a time for this particular chain post.

My Reasons Why:

  • Love — As humans, we naturally want to connect with people. We want to be loved and cared for by someone. My idea of love encompasses all types: platonic love, unconditional love, true love, and etc.
  • Culture — I love learning about different cultures whether it is through the consumption of popular media,  food, fashion, or art. I hope that I can travel to various countries in the future.
  • Beauty — I’m not talking about people’s appearances but rather the beauty found in nature. For example, I like the sound of the blowing wind which causes the creaking sounds of the bamboo. There’s something tranquil about admiring nature which I enjoy doing.

I’m not going to nominate anyone at the moment but thank you, Keiko, for the nomination!

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