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Let’s Talk Anime Nominated Me For The Mystery Blogger Award (Part 4)

Zoe nominated me for another award. This time it is the Mystery Blogger Award. Thank you, Zoe, for the nomination! She cheated by using the same nominations from a previous award. 😛

Yet, I actually like doing these awards because I like answering random questions about myself.


  • Put the award/logo on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Tell the readers 3 things about yourself.
  • You have to nominate 10-20 people (I’m cheating and using the nominations from my Blogger Recognition Award from a couple days ago, if you guys feel up to it, you can do this one as well!)
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to one of your best posts.

Facts About Me:

  • My current lifestyle motto: “ROSE GOLD EVERYTHING!”
  • I love banana milk.
  • I love carpool karaoke to the point where I don’t mind dancing in public.

Zoe’s Questions

Have you ever cosplayed before? And if so, who?

Nope. I have never cosplayed before unless wearing a onesie counts. The onesie I wore was Totoro for Halloween and Christmas last year.

What was your favorite part of 2017?

My favorite part of 2017 was when I went to Hawaii. You can check out the first post of my trip here.

If you were to recommend one show/book/comic/etc. to anyone, what would it be?

Well, the current Asian drama I am obsessed with is Because This Is My First Life due to the fact that it really relates to my life at the current moment. So I would recommend that drama.

Is special effects/art important when deciding on watching a show/movie, or is the story more important?

I think both factors are important. Sometimes the special effects/art helps convey the storyline.

The weirdest show/book/movie/etc. you’ve watched/read?

I read and watch a lot of weird stuff, but if I had to pick one thing. It would be Yasunari Kawabata’s House of Sleeping Beauties—this is one of my favorite stories.

Best Post: This isn’t my best post but people keep searching it on Google: “Crazy in Love: Thoughts on Melo Holic.”

My Nominees:

  • Let’s Talk Anime (because you keep nominating me for things)
  • Keiko’s Anime Blog (because you keep nominating me for things too and I need to return the favor)
  • Miandro (because you nominated me for something)
  • Ryuji Tatsuya’s Anime Corner (because you nominated me for something too)
  • Takuto (because he’s cool and I’m curious how he will answer the last question)
  • Marth (because he needs friends and a great way to make friends is doing these silly tags)
  • Crimson (because we need to know that she’s alive)
  • Pop Culture Literary (because I’m curious about her answer to the last question)
  • raistlin0903 (because I want to nominate him for something since he’s a loyal reader)
  • Hazel (because she likes the Warriors)

My Questions:

  • Tonkotsu, Miso, or Shoyu Ramen? You can only pick one.
  • What is your favorite memory of 2017?
  • What are your 2018 goals/resolutions?
  • What is one important personality trait do you look for in a friend or significant other?
  • If you had the chance to select a text for a college course, what would you want to read or watch? (Yes, I am brainstorming for future course designs.)

And that’s it for this award tag. Thank you, Zoe, for the nomination. You can check out her responses to this award here.

Disclosure Policy
Just Something About LynLyn is a member of the WordAds Program. I permitted ads to run on my blog so that I can get paid by cost per impression (CPI). So I would really appreciate it if you turned off your Adblocker on this website so that I can earn some money. With the earnings I make, I will use the funds to create better content for you all, and you will also help feed a poor graduate student.

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